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The  team


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Humanistic Culture with a degree in Law from the Università degli Studi di Milano. Heir to a consolidated family tradition in the trade of business know-how, she began her professional endeavours at a company that, at the time, was a leader in the home textile industry, Bassetti, continuing over the years as a business consultant in Italy and abroad.

A punctilious traveler, lover of populations’ cultures and their geopolitical significance. A vigilant observer of customs and society, she has participated in international committees of this nature.

Promoter of ideas and trend anticipator, she is a communicator capable of creating emotive and evocative presentations of the product.

History graduate of the Università degli Studi di Milano and graduate of Musical Academy Milano.

Passionate about cinema and natural history, karate black belt, clarinetist, avid reader, travel lover and a curious explorer of the world, in all its facets.

Since October 2021, a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps, founded and chaired by Former Vice President, Al Gore.”

Glauko Barbagallo

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Curiosity and foreign influences are work tools, but also invaluable life rules, whereby we choose to not build walls between the worlds around us.

We decipher the secret codes of things and understand what’s in the air, so as to identify uncharted interpretations. Despite everything.

Because “despite” is the strength to go on, even if things are not as we would like, and because the alternative to “despite” is immobility.


Born in Benevento, law graduate of Napoli’s Federico II University, lawyer, publicant servant, specialised in Administrative Law and Administrative Science, and Law of the European Communities, with a master’s degree in European Law and Tax Law.

For Wolters Kluwer Italia, she writes articles on legal issues (environmental and financial).

Under the banner of a sustainable and circular economy, she loves nature, shabby chic and antique markets.

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They call me Luca Magnante. I work with plants, dogs and, mainly, on drawings.

In Milan I embarked on a self-taught artistic path, everyday trying to explore new techniques. Thanks to Ivan Hurricane’s comic book course, Corso di Fumetti per Stomaci Forti, I realised that reality is mutable and rearrangeable, according to the perspective shared with the viewer.


Currently, I work with Edizioni NPE as a cover artist, colourer and, when I can, graphic designer.

Percussion instruments graduate, under the guidance of Professor Loris Stefanuto.


He has studied at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and attended specialisation courses of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia in the same discipline. For six years he has been studying Composition with Professor Paolo Perezzani.


He is currently studying Percussion Instruments with professor Athos Bovi.

Francesco Tommaso Trevisan




Born in England, raised in Italy, educated in both countries, I have had the fortune of being exposed to a myriad of cultures and perspectives.


I have been translating since 2015 and adore immersing myself in nature and music.


A firm believer in the prospect of humanity living more harmoniously with our planet, it is a pleasure to work with the Re-Ouverture team.


Experts in Zen, video and communication, we live between Japan and our shop in Milan, sharing a Japanese adventure that has been expressed with passion for over 20 years.

"Mottainai" (勿 体 無 い) is the Japanese magic word that governs our purchasing choices;  It means "what a waste!" and expresses a sense of regret about something that goes to waste.

After different studies and work paths, the two partners (Pata and Dade) joined together to enter this living cartoon: Japan!

Our favorite motto: "雨 降 っ て 地 固 ま る", or: "Ame futte ji katamaru" ( after the storm there is always the sun) ...

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