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Alternative Events

Non-profit organisations and citizens gathered to debate, brainstorm and take action to tackle the climate crisis, kick starting new and inclusive community-led initiatives.

The 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer reported that, in 2021, global trust in government and social institutions is at a historic low. Driven by frustration and the desire to implement tangible solutions, various organisations, NGOs and citizens united to hold an alternative summit to COP26.

The People’s Summit, organised by the COP26 Coalition (a UK-based civil society coalition of groups and individuals), gathered various movements for climate justice, in order to discuss questions relative to the climate emergency and develop inclusive solutions. Planned to allow minority voices to be heard in the global conversation and decision-making process, the initiative curated a series of conferences and events that covered topics of climate change, degrowth, energetic transitions for less economically developed countries and youth activism.

The Climate Conference, hosted in Glasgow by the Peace and Justice Project (NGO founded by the Labour Party’s Jeremy Corbyn), brought together union representatives, activists and other individuals to discuss critical subject matters, such as the impact of the climate emergency on the healthcare infrastructure within the nation.


Possible course of action:

these initiatives against COP26 demonstrate a great public desire to take action and enact systemic change via a bottom-up approach. It is good to be aware of these movements and their operations, using them as platforms to enact change. Moreover, these activities promote the wellbeing and involvement of those most adversely affected.


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