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Living to Consume

consumismo re ouverture

Living to consume has been our reckless ethos.

For the first time in Human history, we have created a system whereby goods are no longer produced to satisfy needs, but rather as a means of fulfilling an insatiable desire for more, in notable part, heavily influenced by well-orchestrated advertisement campaigns.

re ouverture consumismo

This perverse reality is the source of our villainous relationship with Nature, which is purely seen as a limitless, consumable good, with no regard for its well-being.

Staring directly at the consequences of our actions, such as pollution and environmental devastation, the most prolific action taken, thus far, has been in the form of ocean-related protests, screaming slogans and divulging anathemas, delegating the solution of the problem to the “Earth’s giants.”

But this game no longer works.

consumismo re-ouverture

From a Heghelian perspective, making something known does not necessarily imply comprehension.

The time for Culture to germinate has truly arrived, as a combination of dialogue, education and general formation.

Re-Ouverture was born precisely as a result of this.

Our efforts will persevere, to stimulate and support a change of pace that mainly concerns newer generations, with the awareness that these efforts require hard work, determination and courage.

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