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Campo Sette: a Kilometre of Biodiversity

A new Space for Athletics, a Commonplace for Sports, where many youngsters will be free to meet, train, socialise and compete with or amongst each other.

The initiative was promoted by Hines and sponsored by the municipality of Milan.

So here we are, surrounded by a young group of athletes, with morales boosted by the presence of olympic champion, Filippo Tortu, all ready to participate in the inaugural race that may lead to their first ever medal.

These are the kids that represent the new generation, one that flourishes with multiculturalism and enthusiasm, one that will need to learn to run faster than time, in order to contribute to the salvation of our marvellous Blue Plant.

Run faster than your dreams! These were the words of encouragement shared with them before the race.

We have conversed with Giuseppe Sala, Mayor of Milan.

And we have held dialogue with Giorgio Zampetti, General Director of Lega Ambiente (Environmental League).

With the intention of reiterating that Re-Ouverture stands beside them, with its continuous efforts towards cultural dissemination.

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