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Happy Birthday ... dear "EARTH"!

Today we celebrate Earth Day , a bit as if it were her birthday, we have been celebrating it since 1970. We stop to see how, even for her, the first wrinkles on the skin begin to show.

A question arises spontaneously: " will we be able to find the miraculous cream that, as the advertising promises say, eliminates wrinkles and the signs of aging? " We will be able to understand that if we do not adopt "ALL" the correct behaviors, this ours planet will disappear faster than we expect?

We have witnessed the "cry" of Greta Thumberg who admonishes the politicians of the world with their "bla bla bla"; we have heard, or pretended to hear, the scientists who have been warning us about the climate crisis for years; we have seen before our very eyes how catastrophic events are gradually increasing due to climate change.

But now, witnessing is no longer the only option. A concrete commitment from everyone is needed to understand these urgent issues. It is necessary that the topic becomes the norm in the world political agendas, that it is debated in all municipal and territorial administrations, that it is integrated into the curriculum of all the didactic systems and that the behaviors adopted in our homes and in life in general are always aimed at safeguarding our beautiful planet.

Google 's doodle also celebrates this particular day, showing a timelipse of the earth and although it may seem like an elegant strategic move, it draws attention to the theme from the billions of users who use its search engine.

Through the succession of images taken from the Google Earth Timelapse function and other satellite images, the doodle shows the impact of climate change over the years or decades in four different points on the Earth: the retreat of the glacier on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and those in Greenland, the bleaching of corals around Lizard Island, in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and the destruction of the Harz Forest, in northern Germany, due to infestations of an insect called bark beetle caused by the increase temperatures and prolonged periods of drought.

Even if the spirit of our trip is not to make pure alarmism, we still want to appreciate the gesture of the mountain view giant in order not to forget that attention and commitment to the protection of our planet are not a fashion. but they have to become a way of life.

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