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Letter to Greta Thunberg

Dear Greta,

My name is Mariadele Mancini, I’m 86 years old and I live in Milan.

I am writing to you because your battle is one that I too hold close to my heart, and one that I believe people of my age should also contribute to.

I have four grandchildren, barely in their twenties, and I cannot remain indifferent.

The most recent geopolitical events have appalled me and further fueled my determination.

Incessant bombings, again skies dyed crimson red, persistent soil and water pollution…

And, in the meantime, watch how world leaders, which filled the air with rhetoric of “saving the planet,” find resolution to conflict through bloodshed.

I wondered what I could do at my age. I thought of finding my own way to raise as much awareness as possible, through a cultural and captivating rhetoric.

I created the Re-Ouverture website and will soon found a nonprofit organisation. Sustainability, the Climate and Saving the Planet are struggles that all people share.

When you have time and if you would like, let me know what you think, Greta.

Could the efforts of an elderly lady, such as myself, help us reach the goal we so dearly hold to heart?

Thank you!

Mariadele Mancini

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