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Music and Society

To emphasise the special bond between Music and Life, in 2007 Daniel Baremboin wrote Music Quickens Time.

Reading a book differs from listening to music, as the reader may choose to return to a previous page in order to better grasp the meaning of a sentence.

Music is an immediate stimulus that connects the thinking ear to the sound manifested in a precise instance of space and time.

Musical education is both a source of knowledge and a discipline that stimulates the act of contemplation, capable of connecting personal, social and political dynamics.

In this respect, Paolo Perazzani can be considered as a great maestro.

On June 18th 2022, the maestro’s students and recent graduates from the L. Campana di Mantova Conservatory prepared and performed 21st century music in a momentous display.

Sulla presenza cacofonica del rumore nella vita dei nostri giorni avevamo già detto, proprio con Perazzani, e nella interessante composizione di Gioele Onida "Gli abitanti del Fulmine", potremmo scorgere un recupero dei suoni sparsi nell'etere, quasi una rigenerazione del rumore per farne musica. Creatività eco-sostenibile.

As explored with Paolo Perazzani and in Gioele Onida’s Gli abitanti del Fulmine composition, the cacophonic sounds of daily life can be repurposed and utilised in musical compositions, essentially as the metamorphosis of noise into music.

Through the enthralling collective improvisation of Mir/Myr, we can observe the pursuit of a shared project of great relevance, supported by a strong scenic message with the reproduction of Guernica in the background and the quote, “We ought to all take the initiative to eradicate war from history.” Let us nurture the Earth and fertilise it with seeds, not bombs.

In Scenes of a long goodbye, in the end, moving bodies, muttered words and music remind us that all in the Universe is connected and in a state of equilibrium that we have the duty of safeguarding. This planet is home, it is us!

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