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Returning to SCHOOL

Prada and UNESCO have recently launched Sea Beyond, an educational programme that targets secondary schools, with the aim of raising the youth’s awareness of sustainability and the preservation of our oceans.

To date, the programme has internationally reached about 300 secondary school students and, in January 2021, it was officially integrated into the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development - “Ocean Decade.”

The educational model aims to involve not only the students of schools that have adhered to the first phase of the project, but rather extend to new countries that have already expressed interest in participating. At the end of the learning period, an international competition will be launched to select the best student projects, in turn nominated by a jury of international experts that have dedicated their lives to the oceans and education, known as Sea Beyonders.

Furthermore, Prada will support the Asilo della Laguna (Lagoon Nursery) project: the first lagoon nursery, which will open in Venice in 2022, with an educational project based on the principles of outdoor education.

Sea Beyond/Prada Group

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